The Advocacy Telecom Group offers auditing and consulting services to businesses in need of proven talent in the telecommunications field. Our knowledge base draws on years of experience working with communications providers and successfully serving customers in this complex industry.
Patricia Russell founded The Advocacy Telecom Group, LLC in 2009 after working for the Advocacy Group, incorporated in Illinois, for 3 years. Pat has over 40 years telecommunications experience at AT&T, Illinois Bell, Ameritech, SBC communications, and Tellabs.
Pat's responsibilities included, marketing, sales, cost containment, and contract negotiations and management. Former and current clients include small businesses, banks, auto dealerships, contractors, Hotels. Pat has an undergraduate degree from Elmhurst College, and an MBA from DePaul University. With the desire to provide clients with a completely unbiased assessment of their telecommunications expenditures she formed The Advocacy Telecom Group.
John Russell is the company's IT specialist. John has over 40 years experience in the telecommunications and IT industry. John has worked as an IT consultant for both Amdahl and Fujitsu Corporations. Also as a Client Executive, working in the data networking market, mainframe and server markets. John has a technical background as a Central Office Engineer.